Daten. Leben.

The best is yet to come! Our annual review.

As the new year 2022 is just unfolding, we would first like to thank YOU - our partners –, for enabling us to face another year of constraints and challenges together. And although we have only been able to see each other virtually, we feel that we have become closer than ever before in these two years.

In this short article, we would like to give you feedback on the changes we have implemented since autumn 2021 after receiving your feedback on our internal satisfaction survey.

First, we are extremely proud of the high satisfaction rate of 85% received as a team from you together with your appreciation regarding our service, support, and time reaction. 

Despite the fact that 2021 was not an easy one, we took the chance to review & enhance a lot of our services, processes, structures and products. We also made changes in our team responsibilities, structure and hired new colleagues with complementary skills, to be able to serve you better. In the last year, our team has almost doubled in size, just because we want to be closer to you and to be able to serve you and your customers better.

Regarding the main pain points mentioned by most of you, namely the delayed Hyperspace (our new intranet system) launch and the RWAM delayed support. On the first point, we hope to have the Hyperspace soft launch very soon, while now we are just waiting for the last data protection approvals to be able to do that. 

On the RWAM “delayed” support response time of 48-72 h, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the actual SLA time in your current RWAM contracts is of 5-7 days, but of course, we always aim for a quick response to all your questions.
In what I.K.A.M. strategy is concerned, we have a strong focus on serving and acquiring international customers, with a newly formed department led by Markus Gössinger. Together with his colleague – Melanie, Markus will be introducing to all of you shortly, our international customers' strategy, so that you can help shape it together with us. This year we are also reshaping “” training plan and with this, we are hoping to be able to offer you more courses and training for your colleagues in management and for your teams. Stay tuned because Melanie will be inviting you to learn more about our plans with this too.

And of course, the major development for us is the launch of our new products to support you and your customers during COVID times: the hygiene service and the Homeoffice. Box. - HOB that have had a great impact on your turnover but also helped us all stay agile. To these, we also added ITAD – IT refurbishment services with INGRAM, which is now being rolled out in some countries already and the Digital Post Office that is being tested by us and will be also rolled out soon. To learn more about all these new products and services, please contact your direct franchise manager.

Our aim for 2022 is to continue improving and further developing our services, as well as our support to you. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to constantly participate in our satisfaction surveys and send us your feedback. 

Together we are stronger, and we believe that the best is yet to come!

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